Texas During The Civil War
WILDERNESS TO COMMONWEALTH, Volume 4, Chapter LX, Worthham-Molyneaux Company, Fort Worth,
Texas 1924
DURING the period between the submission of the secession
ordinance to the people of Texas for approval and the date on which the ordinance went
into effect, a group of seceded states, in convention at Montgomery, Ala., organized the
Confederate States of America. A constitution was drafted and on February 9 Jefferson
Davis of Mississippi was elected president of the new federal republic thus brought into
being. Texas was received as a state of the Confederacy immediately after the final
adjournment of the secession convention and members of the first congress and two senators
were elected from Texas. Louis T. Wigfall and William S. Oldham were the senators named
and President Davis appointed John H. Reagan as a member of his cabinet, assigning him to
the portfolio of postmaster general. Thus was the plan of "peaceful secession"
carried out and thus did Texas take her place in the Confederacy.
But the secession of the Southern states was not to remain
peaceful very long. Lincoln was inaugurated president of the United States on March 4, and
he and his cabinet took the position that the states had no power to sever their
connection with the Union in this fashion and that the authority of the United States
government over them would be maintained. The Confederate government, on the other hand,
decided that all United States troops must leave Confederate territory. It was this
situation which brought about the fatal clash which ushered in the war between the two
sections. There was some talk at first of attempting to compose the differences between
the South and the Federal government, but this was without result. Fort Sumter, in the
harbor of Charleston, S. C., was occupied by United States troops and a formal demand for
its surrender was made by the Confederate authorities. The demand was refused and on April
12, 1861, Confederate forces fired on the fort. Two days later Fort Sumter was surrendered
to the Confederacy, and the next day, April 15, President Lincoln issued a call for
volunteers to "preserve the Union" by force of arms. The war was on!
The struggle thus commenced lasted four years and resulted
in the defeat and total prostration of the Southern states. During its progress slavery
was abolished by presidential proclamation as a "war measure" and after its
close the federal constitution was amended, forever prohibiting slavery in all the states
and giving the former slaves the status of citizens. The Southern states lost all for
which they contended and the economic system upon which the prosperity of the South rested
was totally destroyed. The wealth of the Federal government and the superiority of numbers
on the side of the North were too much to overcome. Before the struggle ended the Northern
states had put more than two million men into the field, whereas the Southern states, by
drawing upon their population to the utmost, were not able to muster as many as a million.
It was one of the most terrible conflicts in history, especially in view of the fact that
it was fought by men of the same blood and of the same country. The whole world stood
aghast at the spectacle.
Today, only a little more than a half-century after its
close, the descendants of the men who participated in that conflict are a united people
and constitute the greatest nation in the world. The nations wounds have long since
healed and the scars which they have left now serve to knit the American people more
closely together than ever. And the heroic struggle which the men of the South made to
defend their right to govern themselves and to resist the tyranny of government of one
section of the country by another is as much a heritage of the whole American people as
the struggle of the men of the North to preserve the Union. The lesson of the Souths
resistance has been learned by the whole nation and the blood poured out for the
"lost cause" was not shed in vain. For it was not nationalism in government that
the South resisted. It was sectionalism. Whether the danger of sectional rule was as great
as the men of the South believed it to be is a question which may be left open. In any
event it was believed to be great enough to warrant resistance to the point of
prostration. And today it is an integral part of American tradition that sectional
tyranny, no matter by which section it may be threatened, should be resisted with like
courage and that the right of self-government should be maintained with like devotion.
That is the contribution which the Southern men who died on the battlefields of the war
made to American ideals. That is the gift of the South to the nation.
Texas played a part in the war of which this and all future
generations of Texans may be justly proud. Its people gave their full measure of courage
and devotion to the cause. The commonwealth which, in the short space of forty years, had
developed from a little group of three hundred families in the midst of a complete
wilderness, sent more than seventy thousand men to the defense of the bonnie blue banner
of the Confederacy. One hundred and thirty-five officers above the rank of
lieutenant-colonel in the Confederate army were from Texas. Among these was one full
general, Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, who fell at Shiloh in April, 1862; one
lieutenant-general, John B. Hood; three major-generals, Samuel B. Maxey, John A. Wharton
and Tom Green, the latter killed at Blairs Landing in April, 1864; thirty-two
brigadier-generals and ninety-seven colonels. Of the thirty-eight generals of the above
grades, thirty-three were promoted during their service from lower rank. This fact in
itself is a tribute to the mass of the soldiers from Texas, for it was the exploits of the
men which won promotion for the officers who led them. Besides this, Texas contributed an
enormous quota of military supplies and provisions for the armies of the South. The state
government spent more than three and a half million dollars at home for military purposes
and paid more than thirty-seven million dollars of taxes, in Confederate notes, to the
Confederate government. The whole population was put on a war basis throughout the
conflict and all of the states resources were unreservedly drawn upon to the limit
to support the cause of the South.
News of the firing on Fort Sumter was received at Austin on
April 17, 1861, and immediately Governor Clark took steps to prepare for the war. He
provided for the organization, equipment and instruction of volunteer companies in every
county in the state. Lieut.Col. John R. Baylor took possession of the army posts west of
San Antonio, occupying the Rio Grande into New Mexico. Col. William C. Young raised a
cavalry regiment and captured Forts Arbuckle, Washita and Cobb, in the Indian territory
beyond Red river, and compelled the Federals to retire into Kansas. A clash occurred
between Texas forces and the Federals concentrated on the coast from the various Posts,
before the state was completely free of United States troops, but finally the embarkation
of the latter was accomplished.
Governor Clark required all the ammunition carried in stock
by merchants to be turned over to the state, but the amount was not very great. Officers
in each county were directed to ascertain the quantity of arms in the possession of
private individuals, with the result that forty thousand guns of every description were
reported. Thirty-two brigadier-generals were appointed to organize the militia, one for
each militia district. In short everything possible was done to put the state in a
condition of defense.
Within a week after the fall of Fort Sumter the Confederate
government made requisition on Texas for eight thousand infantry and these were promptly
furnished. In July Texas was called upon for twenty companies for service in Virginia, the
enlistment to be for the period of the war, and thirty-two companies responded. They later
became famous as Hoods Texas Brigade. In his message to the legislature on November
1, 1861, Governor Clark reported that "twenty thousand Texans are now battling for
the rights of our new-born government."
The regular state election was held in Texas in August 2
1861, while the war fever was at its height. Francis R. Lubbock was elected governor on a
platform declaring for unstinted support of the Confederacy in the prosecution of the war.
Lubbock carried out his campaign pledge in this respect with a zeal that earned the
undying gratitude of the much-harassed and perplexed Confederate officials. Before his
inauguration as governor, Lubbock made a special journey to the seat of the Confederate
government at Richmond, Va., to confer with President Davis and his cabinet on the
question of how Texas could best serve the cause of the South. Lubbock realized that
success depended upon quick and decisive action, for delay would mean that the superiority
of numbers in the North would be felt in the contest. Upon taking up the reins of the
government, therefore, he urged upon every able-bodied man to enlist. It was now clear
that the struggle was to be of greater proportions than anybody had dreamed, and Lubbock
did all in his power to place the whole strength of Texas behind the Confederacy. Compared
with other Southern states Texas was safe against invasion by the Federal forces, and the
battles fought in other states were keeping Union soldiers from Texan soil. It was
fitting, therefore, in Lubbocks opinion, that every able-bodied man in the state
should join the armies of the South. He succeeded in this effort to such an extent that
within fifteen months more than 68,000 Texans were under arms.
"From the most accurate data," he said in his
message to an extra session of the legislature on February 5, 1863, "Texas has
furnished to the Confederate military service thirty-three regiments, thirteen battalions,
two squadrons, six detached companies, and one legion of twelve companies of cavalry;
nineteen regiments, two battalions of infantry, and one regiment and twelve light
batteries of artillerythirty regiments of which (twenty-one cavalry and nine
infantry) have been organized since the requisition of February 3, 1862, for fifteen
regiments, being the quota required of Texas to make her quota equal to the quota of other
states, making 62,000 men, which with the state troops in actual service, viz., 6,500 men,
form an aggregate of 68,500 Texans in military service, constituting an excess of 4,773
more than her highest popular vote, which was 63,727. From the best information within
reach of this department, upon which to base an estimate of the men now remaining in the
state between the ages of sixteen and sixty years, it is thought that the number will not
exceed 27,000."
In spite of all this there were calls for more men from
Texas, and in November, 1863, Governor Lubbock suggested to the legislature that no
exemptions from the operation of the draft law, which had been previously put into effect,
should be permitted. He said that every male person, from sixteen years old and upwards,
not totally unfit, should be declared to be in the military service of the state and no
exemptions should be allowed, except those recognized by the constitution, and that no one
should be permitted to furnish a substitute. "I am clearly of the opinion," he
declared, "that exemptions and the right to furnish substitutes are working great
injury to the country, and should be abolished, both by the state and Confederate
It was thus that Texas strained every nerve to give the
Confederate government all support possible; and, in addition to this, Texas had a vast
frontier to protect against the Indians. Under the Confederate constitution the protection
of the frontier was the duty of the Confederate government, just as it had been the duty
of the Federal government under the Union. But Governor Lubbock recognized that the
central government had more than it could do to meet the demands of the war, and he
excused it from supplying troops. It was expected that the Confederate government would
defray the expense of such frontier protection, however, but this expectation, of course,
was never fulfilled.
Brig.-Gen. P. 0. Hebert was placed in command of the
military department of Texas by the Confederate government, and some of his measures
caused much resentment among the people. By an order issued on May 30, 1862, he put the
state under martial law, practically usurping the powers of the state government. He
appointed a number of provost marshals, whose powers were almost unlimited and who were
responsible only to him, and the acts of some of these petty officers exasperated the
people. In November, 1862, General Hebert issued another order which increased this
discontent. It prohibited the exportation of cotton, except by the authorized agents of
the government. Texas ports were blockaded by the United States navy from July, 1861,
until the end of the war, and Mexico was the only outlet for Texas cotton. The new order
increased the difficulties of the people of the state with respect to sale of their cotton
and it was very widely resented. On November 29,1862, Brig.-Gen. J. Bankhead Magruder
succeeded General Hebert, and it was thought that the change would improve conditions. But
within a few months General Magruder issued a new order, imposing additional restrictions
upon the exportation of cotton across the Rio Grande. The outcry against this order became
so great that in April, 1863, all cotton orders were revoked and for a short time planters
were permitted to export cotton without restriction. New restrictions, however, were soon
placed upon the cotton trade, but they were not so severe as those which Hebert and
Magruder had previously put into effect.
The war and the blockade brought about an economic
revolution in Texas, for both the exportation and importation of goods stopped altogether,
except for the limited trading that could be done through Mexico and by "blockade
runners." The absence of most of the able-bodied men in the army threw the whole
burden of providing the necessities of life upon the women, who, with the assistance of
the slaves, produced both food and clothing from the raw material to the finished
products. "By the first of 1862," says 0. M. Roberts, "the people in most
parts of the state set about providing themselves with the necessaries of life. From that
time to the end of the war a person traveling past houses on the road could hear the sound
of the spinningwheel and of the looms at which the women were at work to supply clothing
for their families and for their husbands and sons in the army. Thus while the men were
struggling valiantly with all their martial efforts in camp and in battle, the work of the
women was no less heroic and patriotic in their homes. Nor was that kind of employment
all; for many a wife or daughter of a soldier went out on the farm and bravely did the
work with plow and hoe to make provisions for herself and little children. Shops were
extensively established to manufacture domestic implements. Wheat and other cereals were
produced, where practicable, in large quantities; hogs and cattle were raised more
generally; and before the passage over the Mississippi was closed by the Federal gunboats,
droves of beef cattle and numerous wagonloads of bacon and flour were almost constantly
passing across the river from Texas to feed the soldiers of the Confederate army.
"An almost universally humane feeling inspired people
of wealth as well as those in moderate circumstances to help the indigent families of
soldiers in the field and the women who had lost their husbands and sons by sickness or in
battle. There were numerous slaveholders who had only a few slaves, such as had been
raised by themselves or by their parents as part of the family, and so regarded
themselves. In the absence of the husband in the service, the wife . . . assumed the
management of the farm and the control of the negroes on it. It was a subject of general
remark that the negroes were more docile and manageable during the war than at any other
period, and. for this they deserve the lasting gratitude of their owners in the army. . .
"At most of the towns there were posts established
officers for the collection of the tithes of farm products under an act of congress for
the use of the army, and wagons were used continually for their transportation to
different places where the soldiers were in service. In addition, wagons under private
control were constantly running from Texas to Arkansas and to Louisiana loaded with
clothing, hats and shoes, contributed by families for their relatives in the army in those
states. Indeed, by this patriotic method the greater part of the Texas troops in those
states were supplied with clothing of all kinds.
"Salt being a prime necessity for family use, salt
works were established in eastern Texas in Cherokee and Smith counties, and at Grand
Saline in Van Zandt county. . . . In the west, salt was furnished from the salt lakes.
Iron works were established for making plows and cooking vessels near Jefferson, Rusk and
Austin. . . . At jug factories in Rusk and Henderson counties were made rude earthenware
dishes, plates and cups. . . . At other shops wagons were made and repaired, and in small
domestic factories chairs, tables and other furniture were made. Shoe shops and tailor
shops were kept busy all over the country. Substitutes for sugar and coffee were partially
adopted, but without much success. . . .
"The penitentiary at Huntsville, under the control of
the state government, was busied in manufacturing cotton and woolen cloth, and made each
year over a million and a half yards of cloth, which, under the direction of the
government, was distributed first to supply the soldiers of the army, second to the
soldiers families and their actual consumers."
The factory at the Huntsville penitentiary was not the only
activity of the state government in the matter of manufacturing. A military board,
composed of the governor, comptroller and treasurer, took charge of a good part of the
commerce of the state and established a gun and a cap factory at Austin. It encouraged the
establishment of other factories by private individuals and was generally active in
maintaining the economic organization of the state. One of its memorable achievements was
the importation of forty thousand pairs of cotton and wool cards from Europe, which it
distributed to families throughout Texas to be used in the home manufacture of cotton and
woolen cloth. It purchased cotton from the farmers, through its agents, and exported it to
Mexico, using the proceeds to buy arms, munitions and machinery. The total amounts
received and disbursed by this board have been estimated at two million dollars.
In the very nature of things there was much destitution and
privation among the families of the soldiers, and relief of these soon became a problem.
At first the counties afforded relief, but the burden became too great for local resources
and in 1863 the legislature, in response to a recommendation by Governor Lubbock,
appropriated six hundred thousand dollars for state relief of the dependents of soldiers.
The practice thus started was kept up during the remainder of the war. Near the end of
1864 the number of dependants assisted by the state, including women and children, was
about seventy-four thousand.
As has been indicated, Texas was well-nigh free from
military operations by the enemy throughout the period of the war. The state proved to be
impregnable against invasion and the attempts made by the Federals failed. These attempts
were directed at four points. Galveston, at Sabine Pass, at Brownsville and by way of Red
River-but in each case no important progress was made. On October 4, 1862, the Federals
who had been maintaining the blockade of the gulf coast made an attack on Galveston. The
Confederate troops on the island were not strong enough to put up a defense, so they
withdrew, without a struggle, to the mainland. The town of Galveston thus fell into the
hands of the Federals, but it was not to remain in their possession long. When General
Magruder assumed command of Texas two months later, one of the first things he determined
upon was the recapture of Galveston. Preparations were secretly made for an expedition
against the island. Two steamboats, the Neptune and Bayou City, on Buffalo
bayou, were converted into "cottonclads" by erecting breastworks of cotton bales
around their decks, and these were manned by Sibleys brigade, a body of tried
troops, under command of Gen. H. H. Sibley, which had just returned from a campaign in New
Mexico. Two other vessels, the Lucy Gwinn and the John F. Carr, were put
into service as tenders. On December 29, 1862, General Magruder arrived at Virginia Point
to direct the expedition in person. The plan of attack was for Magruder and a body of land
forces to enter the town of Galveston from the mainland, while the boats under command of
Sibley engaged the Federal vessels by sea. There were four Federal vessels in the harbor,
the steamer Harriet Lane, which was at the wharf; the brig Westfield, the
gun boat Owassee, and the transport Clifton. On the night of December 31 the
movement was begun. Magruder and the land forces proceeded from Virginia Point to the
island and took a position in the town, in preparation for an early morning attack next
day. Before daybreak on New Years day, 1863, Magruder opened fire on the Federals
and drove them to the extreme northern end of the island. The cottonclads, in the
meantime, arrived in the harbor and attacked the Harriet Lane. The Confederate boat
Neptune was sunk in shallow water, but the Bayou City approached the Harriet
Lane so close that she became entangled in the latters rigging. The Confederates
leaped on board the Federal vessel and a hand-to-hand struggle ensued. After a stubborn
resistance, during which the principal officers of the Harriet Lane were killed,
the Federals surrendered. The Westfield, in attempting to leave the harbor, ran
aground and, in order to prevent her from falling into the hands of the Confederates a
train was laid to blow up the vessel and the crew abandoned her. There was some delay in
the explosion and fifteen Federals were sent back on board to investigate and remedy the
defect. They had no sooner reached the Westfield than the explosion occurred, and
all of the party were killed. The Federals on the island surrendered to Magruder and the Owassee
and the Clifton escaped from the harbor and joined the fleet outside. Thus
Galveston was recaptured in brilliant fashion. Col. Tom Green, Colonel Steele,
Lieutenant-Colonel Scurry, Col. William P. Hardeman and Col. H. M. Elmore distinguished
themselves in this expedition. General Magruder and all who took part in the exploit were
especially thanked by President Davis for restoring Galveston to the Confederacy.
In September, 1863, the Federals made the second attempt to
gain a foothold in Texas. An expedition was organized in New Orleans, which was in
possession of the Federals, and an army of five thousand men was sent by sea to enter
Texas by way of Sabine Pass. The plan was then to advance on Beaumont and Houston and,
with those two places in Federal hands, Galveston would be taken as a matter of course.
Sabine Pass was guarded by a little garrison of forty-seven men, under command of Lieut.
Dick Dowling, and it seemed an easy matter to overcome this small force and then proceed
with the campaign. Accordingly, on September 6, 1863, three or four of the Federal vessels
entered the harbor and commenced bombarding the fort which was manned by Dowlings
little garrison. Dowling waited until the Federal vessels came within good range and then
opened fire on them. In a few minutes two of the Federal boats, the Sachem and the Clifton,
were disabled, and the others left the harbor quickly to escape a similar fate. The two
disabled boats, their crews, consisting of three hundred and fifty men, and all their
armaments were captured. The rest of the Federal fleet sailed back to New Orleans without
making further attempt to effect a landing. Dick Dowlings defense of Sabine Pass was
one of the brilliant exploits of the war; not only because of its entire success against
such overwhelming odds, but because it undoubtedly saved Texas from a formidable invasion
which might have made the state the scene of an extended campaign.
The third attempt to invade Texas was more successful, but
it caused no inconvenience to the thickly settled parts of the state. Indeed, its purpose
was not primarily to subjugate Texas. The French had just seized Mexico and, inasmuch as
the United States, under the Monroe doctrine, was opposed to French plans in connection
with that seizure, it was feared by the Federal government that France might join forces
with the Confederacy and thus complicate the war. In order to prevent any direct
assistance from the French through Mexico, the Federals decided to occupy the Texas coast
near the Mexican border. In November 5, 1863, therefore, an army of six thousand Federals,
under General Banks, took possession of Brownsville, the small force of Confederates there
retiring without resistance. During the next two months Banks extended his operations by
occupying Corpus Christi, Aransas Pass, Mustang island, Pass Cavallo, St. Josephs
island, Indianola and Lavaca. After the French scare passed off, however, it was decided
to attempt an invasion of Texas by way of Red river, and all of the Federal forces along
the southern coast were withdrawn, except a small body of troops which occupied
Brownsville. An expedition started from New Orleans with the idea of invading East Texas,
but it was defeated by Confederate forces before reaching the Texas border. Later the
small force at Brownsville was withdrawn and Texas remained free from the menace of
Federal invasion during the rest of the war.
Governor Lubbock was offered a place on the staff of
President Davis when his term of office should expire, and he announced, therefore, that
he would not be a candidate for reelection. Two candidates appeared as aspirants to
succeed him, these being Pendleton Murrah and T. J. Chambers. Murrah received 17,511
votes, Chambers 12,455, and 1,070 votes were cast for unimportant candidates. Murrah was
inaugurated on November 5, 1863, the day Banks took Brownsville. He came into office at a
time when the fortunes of war had begun to go against the Confederacy, and when the
feeling of the people of Texas had begun to change. At the beginning of the war the great
mass of the people cheerfully and enthusiastically sustained the newly-formed Confederacy
and promptly submitted to every law and every order deemed necessary to success. "A
great majority," writes Thrall, "looked upon the establishment of the
Confederacy as an accomplished fact; and believed that its recognition by the governments
of Europe, and the United States itself, was only a question of time. But the events of
two yearsthe surrender of New Orleans in 1862, and the fall of Vicksburg in 1863,
began to beget doubts of final success. Againat first the farmers obeyed, without a
protest, the various cotton orders as they were issued from
headquarters. But observation of the working of these changing
orders created a suspicion that they operated to the injury of the planter,
and inured more to the benefit of speculators than the Confederate government; and this
without impugning the motives of the commanding generals. Again, the conscript law and the
confiscation laws were enforced a little too vigorously. Some in feeble health were pushed
into the army, who ought to have been at home under the care of a doctor, and with their
friends and families. In some instances persons who had spent a lifetime in Texas were
accidentally in the North, and did not, or perhaps could not, return to their homes. Their
property was seized by the receivers and confiscated. But the subject of most
dissatisfaction was the proclamation of martial law, and the manner of its enforcement. It
was not intended, originally, to interfere with men in legitimate business. But under the
rulings of young lieutenants, citizens were prohibited from going to a neighboring county
seat without a passport. Venerable men, who had spent forty years in Texas, felt
humiliated when they had to travel a considerable distance to obtain from a young
lieutenant permission to visit a relative, or transact some item of business in a
neighborhood out of their county. While many complied with the requirements of the
order for the good of the cause, others thought it an intolerable infringement
of the rights of freemen. One editor, for his severe strictures upon this measure, was
threatened with arrest and imprisonment."
Governor Murrah was representative of this changed
sentiment and he was in constant controversy with the Confederate government and the
military authorities in an effort to preserve some of the powers of the state and the
rights of the people. His messages to the legislature are filled with complaints of
usurpation of the states powers and violation of the peoples rights. The truth
was that the situation was becoming so desperate for the South that extreme measures were
frequently adopted, such as the last conscript law of the Confederate government, which
did not show a too scrupulous regard for either the powers of the state or the rights of
the people. Everything was being subordinated to the main task of "winning the
war." Indeed, it soon became the task of postponing defeat.
Another cause of perplexity was the question of finances.
The state had nearly brought about its own bankruptcy in support of the war and the
Confederate government had finally come to a condition of desperation in financing the
armies in the field. The Confederate notes depreciated almost to the vanishing point as
the fortunes of the cause waned, and there was no prospect of an improvement of the credit
of either the state or Confederate government. Governor Murrah and the legislature did
their best to deal with this problem, but no solution of a practicable character could be
discovered. The finances of both the state and the Confederacy were on the way toward
collapse and there was no hope of preventing the crash.
In January, 1864, Gen. J. Kirby Smith was placed in command
of the trans-Mississippi department for the Confederacy, and it was under his able
direction that the invasion of East Texas was prevented in the spring of 1864. But on
March 12, 1864, Gen. U. S. Grant was made commander in chief of the Union forces and his
plan of campaign did not include active operations in the trans-Mississippi department.
The theater of war was removed entirely from the Southwest, and two concentrated Federal
armies were set in motion toward the goal of capturing Richmond and Atlanta. In this
situation General Magruder was transferred to duty under General Smith in Arkansas and
Gen. J. C. Walker was placed in command of Texas. The war now was in its last stage. In a
years time Grants plan of campaign was worked out to success and on April 9,
1865, Gen. R. E. Lee, the Confederate commander, surrendered at Appomattox. During the
next thirty days other departments of the Confederacy were surrendered and on May 30,
1865, Gen. J. Kirby Smith and General Magruder went on board a Federal vessel and
surrendered the trans-Mississippi department.
Five days before the surrender of the department, Governor
Murrah issued three proclamations. In one he commanded all civil officers throughout the
state to preserve public property; in another he called a special session of the
legislature, and in the third he ordered an election to name delegates to a convention of
the people. But chaos had already begun to set in. The Confederate soldiers in the state
disbanded without orders, and as they had not received any pay for months they took with
them such public property as they could carry. A condition of disorder and confusion
ensued. The patriotic appeals of military and civil officers alike were unheeded. The
cause being lost, a great many of the soldiers, who had bravely endured hardships during
the war, now adopted the rule of every man for himself. Armed bands of highwaymen began to
commit depredations and lawlessness increased throughout the state. When the last vestige
of Confederate authority vanished by the surrender of the department by Smith and
Magruder, wild rumors got abroad picturing the punishment that would be inflicted upon
those who had taken any prominent part in the affairs of the state or the Confederacy.
Many became panic-stricken, and others declared they would not live under the rule of the
Yankees. An exodus across the border into Mexico began. The high officials of the state,
including Governor Murrah himself, were among those who fled. Former Governor Clark,
General Smith, General Magruder and many others followed their example. Government
disappeared entirely and, by the time Gen. Gordon Granger landed at Galveston with a force
of Federal troops on June 19, the chaos was complete.
General Granger had been appointed to command the
department of Texas immediately after its surrender. His instructions were to establish
order and to assist in setting up a provisional government which should remain in power
until the state adjusted itself to the new order of things. President Lincoln had been
assassinated on April 14, and President Andrew Johnson, who had succeeded him, had devised
a plan of reconstruction by which the states of the conquered Confederacy might be
restored to the Union. On May 29 President Johnson had issued a proclamation granting
amnesty, with certain exceptions, to persons who had participated in the war on the side
of the South, upon complying with specified conditions. On June 17 he appointed A. J.
Hamilton, a former United States congressman from Texas, who had remained loyal to the
Union, to be provisional governor of Texas, but pending Hamiltons arrival General
Granger was in full charge. General Grangers first act upon landing at Galveston was
to issue a proclamation declaring all the slaves to be free and invalidating all laws
enacted since secession. It is for this reason that June 19, the date of the proclamation,
is observed by the negroes in Texas as Emancipation day.
Provisional Governor Hamilton arrived in Texas in July and
on July 25 he issued a proclamation outlining his policy and inviting loyal men from every
part of the state to come to Austin to confer with him. His instructions from President
Johnson were that he should arrange for the holding of a convention for the purpose of
reestablishing civil government and restoring constitutional relations between the state
and the federal government. Governor Hamilton, who was a very able man, entered upon these
duties in a manner which indicated an early reestablishment of order. In spite of the
gloom of the moment the prospect for the future of Texas began to brighten a little. The
war was over. The tasks of peace were at hand. Many Texans who had supported the
Confederacy throughout the struggle now came forward to assist in restoring the broken
fortunes of the state. But, as shall be seen in due course, nearly a decade was to pass
before Texas would again be a self-governing commonwealth. The dark days of reconstruction
were at hand.
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