Many of the war-time officers of the 143d Infantry worked in the succeeding year to re-activate the Texas National Guard. The 143d Infantry was re-organized in 1921-1922 and was Federally recognized 21 June 1922. Between World War I and World War II, the 143d Infantry continued to serve the State and local communities in local and state disasters. They participated in disaster work when a great tidal wave struck the Gulf Coast in Nueses, San Patricio and Aransas Counties; the New London School disaster in 1937. Each major disaster required the use of the Texas National Guard in their role of State Troops and to restore order and maintain peace. The training site at Camp Hulen, near Placios was started in 1925 and the Regiment trained annually at that site until 1938. In 1938, the Regiment participated in the Third army Maneuvers at Camp Bullis, Texas. In 1939, the Regiment trained at Camp Hulen. In 1940, one week was spent in field training near Bastrop, Texas. That year, the field training was extended to 3 weeks and the Regiment participated in maneuvers in Louisiana as part of the largest war games conducted up until that time.
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