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THE following pages tell very briefly the story of our division during its twenty months of combat.   The heroism and courage of the individuals of the division have been recounted in the thousands of citations which they won. Greater than any individual feat, however, was the division spirit which kept it a fighting outfit from Salerno to Austria in spite of overwhelming odds, bitter weather conditions, seemingly interminable campaigns, and heavy losses. It was a great outfit. I am proud that I had the privilege of wearing the T-Patch.

Signed: John E. Dahlquist
Major General, Commanding



Dec. 13, 1944: The 36th Infantry Division, fighting desperately in the Colmar Pocket, was cut off.

A fierce, fanatical enemy had smashed back the point of the Texas Division’s lines, sliced hard through the flanks, cut rear communications.

First Bn., 142nd Regt., holding the left bank in Selestat, withstood vicious assaults of two Russia-hardened enemy divisions, sent them reeling back and heavy casualties.


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