by-passed . . . Doubs River spanned by the 111th Engineers, a 124-foot
timber trestle bridge, built under fire in 24 hours . . . Louhans, Arbois
and Besancon captured . . . Vesoul taken after a delaying force was
decimated . . . the push to the Moselle continued. Resistance grew
stiffer. At Remiremont, where lay the German’s sole escape route over
the last intact bridge across the Moselle, the 142nd had a fight on its
hands. While it traded blows with a stubborn enemy, the 141st swept up on
its left with the orders: “Cross the Moselle.”
the bloody Rapido, T-Patchers employed another tactic. While 2nd Bn.
staged a diversionary action in the river’s elbow opposite Eloyes, 1st
and 3rd Bns. Forded the swirling waters a mile upstream. The enemy was not long fooled. Germans were in favorable positions and boasted they would maintain defenses all winter behind their water barrier. Their
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