On the Salerno plains where the Division readied itself for another invasion, a ceremony took place described thusly by Ken Dixon of the Associated Press: WITH THE AEF IN ITALY (AP).-With bayonets fixed, eyes right and two flags flying, tired soldiers of this veteran outfit said farewell to their general this week -- passing before him in voluntary review. They are the men of the Thirty-sixth Division. He is Maj. Gen. Fred L. Walker. The 57-year-old general was being called home after three years to command Fort Benning, Georgia. He didn't want to go and his men didn't want to lose him. This division hadn't staged a review in more than two years. Besides, the men are worn, thin and haggard from more than a month's constant fighting and a 250-mile chase of Field Marshall Albert Kesselring's troops. But they wanted to do something. So they polished up the brass and each battalion unfurled the Stars and Stripes and the red flag of Texas, with its one white star, and they stood in rigid lines before him -- stretching thousands strong in the sunlight across the dusty fields. The general's voice was husky when he stepped up to the field public address system and thanked them. The bugle shrilled sharp and cold and the drums rattled a brisk and throbbing beat and the troops of the Thirty-sixth Division - all of Texas and veterans all-marched smartly by.
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