WIREMEN getting communications installed. The farm yard is a good
place. Hay insures comfortable bed. |

General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Commanding the Allied
Forces in the Mediterranean, came to look over the Liri Valley after the fall of San
Pietro. From a vantage point, General Walker points toward Cassino and the hills the
Germans are defending ahead. Shortly thereafter, General Eisenhower was appointed Supreme
Allied Commander in preparation for the invasion of Northern France.

DOUGHBOYS, digging fighting holes in an Italian vineyard, pause to
watch intently as unidentified planes come into view. |

THINKING OF HOME, four 36th QM men figured out the mileage to
Austin by way of Rome and Berlin. Left to right: Pvt. Clint G. Sedberry, Cpl. Melvin A.
Cox, Cpl. Sam M. Douglas, and Cpl. Morris D. Wallis. |
Wiremen from Battalion, Regiment, and Division
shared with infantrymen the hardships of the bitter winter campaign. They worked
untiringly over long periods to insure the best possible communication. Roadless mountains
had to be crossed with wire, streams had to be forded and the elements endured. Lines that
took hours to lay would suddenly be severed by enemy artillery. These had to be repaired
in the pitch-black of night, or under observation during the day. |