Rank and organization: First Lieutenant, U.S. Army,
124th Cavalry Regiment, Mars Task Force.
Place and date: Near Loi-Kang, Burma, 2 February 1945.
Entered service at: Weatherford, Tex.
Birth: Garner, Tex.
G.O. No.: 44, 6 June 1945.
He led his cavalry troop against heavy concentrations of enemy mortar, artillery, and
smallarms fire. After taking the troop's objective and while making preparations for a
defense, he discovered a nest of Japanese pillboxes and foxholes to the right front.
Preceding his men by at least 10 feet, he immediately led an attack. Singlehandedly he
knocked out 2 enemy pillboxes and killed the occupants of several foxholes. While
attempting to knock out a third pillbox, he was struck and blinded by an enemy grenade.
Although unable to see, he rallied his platoon and continued forward in the assault on the
remaining pillboxes. Before the task was completed he fell mortally wounded. Ist Lt.
Knight's gallantry and intrepidity were responsible for the successful elimination of most
of the Jap positions and served as an inspiration to officers and men of his troop. |