September 20 update: The museum front door is again open for business!

August 26 update: work is largely complete but a few small items are keeping us from being able to reopen the main doors. Currently we are looking at mid September. We will keep you updated.
July 16 update: We are still on track for having main doors back open soon.
We are in the home stretch. New doors went into today, June 25, 2019. We hope to be substantially complete in about 1 month.

This month the museum has begun much anticipated renovations. The updates will include new loading docks, changes to the museum offices, new entrances and exits for the Hall of Honor and a brand new main entrance door.
This construction is scheduled to go on through the end of June although we hope that the bulk of it will be done by April.
During Construction the old main door is closed. The means that all visitors will have to come through the far North door of the building. see images below.

We apologize for the inconvenience and at some times the work will be very loud. We are doing our best to have as little impact as possible on the visitors. We will remain open during the entire process and cannot wait to show off all the wonderful changes which will not only improve the look of the museum but will provide much need health and safety updates.